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Showing posts from April, 2023

Demystifying Kubernetes Networking: Concepts, Components, and Best Practices

Kubernetes has revolutionized the way we manage and deploy containerized applications at scale. One of the key aspects of Kubernetes is its robust networking model, which ensures seamless communication between different components within and outside the cluster. In this blog post, we will dive deep into the world of Kubernetes networking, exploring its core concepts, components, and best practices to help you effectively manage and optimize your Kubernetes clusters.  Kubernetes Networking Concepts      Before diving into the details, let's understand some basic networking concepts in Kubernetes: Pod Network : Each pod in a Kubernetes cluster gets its own unique IP address, which is used for communication between containers within the pod and with other pods in the cluster. Service Network : Kubernetes services are used to expose pods to other pods or external clients. Services get their own IP addresses and can load balance traffic across multiple pods. Ingress : Ing...